SAFE. ESG Supply Chain Solutions

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The importance of technology in developing nations.

Published on February 7, 2020

Technology and developing nations are not often words you hear in the same sentence. In fact, you probably only think of mobile phones and the internet as tools, mainly used to connect people, find information and get lost in the world of social media.

The exponential leaps forward in emerging technologies combined with the relative lack of development in these nations means even simple applications of technology can have dramatic effects. The following example illustrates this quite profoundly.

We are already seeing this transformation

It has been estimated that the Kenyan mobile money system M-PESA has lifted almost 200,000 households out of poverty. This is predominantly due to the change in financial behaviour that the system encourages. Instant payments, savings pots and an overall awareness that has been generated via the app which is just one of many out there.

We have only started scratching the surface.

What about Blockchain technology?

Let us focus on the national healthcare system for a number of African countries. A lack of specialists, lack of medical supplies, lack of available beds, the list could go on. If governments were to implement Blockchain technology as part of their healthcare infrastructure, for example in a patient database, one could access medical history and information in a more efficient and transparent manner thereby saving time and money. These ‘saved’ funds could be put back into the system to tackle other issues.

Blockchain technology benefits are abundant and its uses are only just starting to be explored. Global supply chains have been using the same outdated technology for over 20 years. New applications of technology will drastically disrupt the supply chain in its current form. The impacts upon developing nations will be unprecedented.

While our supply chains transform we have the chance to eliminate the presence of unethically sourced minerals leading to better working conditions, eradication of child labour as well as an opportunity to achieve sustainability and prosperity from the ground up.

What is our mission? To lead this disruption and eradicate unethically sourced materials from supply chains.

For more information on how you and SAFE. can lead the way in ethical supply chains visit us at